Nutrient Transport Treatment
Quite often lime is applied when what the soil truly needs is calcium
The importance of calcium is an essential plant nutrient in the soil not always understood. Too many times, when soil test shows low pH, the immediate reaction is to spread more lime. However, ag lime tends to be insoluble and can take years to break down and demonstrate its effectiveness. The odds are good that your soil may already contain more undissolved, unused limestone than soil test are calling recognize.
Benefits at a Glance
Improve plant growth and vigor
Increases seed germination and emergence
A surge in early and sustained root development
Improves the availability of resident soil minerals and fertilizers
Reduces soil pathogens
Optimizes efficiency in water regulation and utilization
Improves soil structure, tilty, porosity, and friability
Package Sizes:
2 X 2.5 gallon Case
275 gallon Tote